
Writen by Peter89Spencer on May 20, 2020

Damn! I wasn't sure I would like this. Then again, I though the same way about GoT. And just like that show, I gave this one a try. S1, was good, with a couple of shocking twists. 2, it got more interesting. S3, was also good, but some bits made no sense, and the main plot of this series kinda derailed from the original plot of the show itself. However, it did star Aaron Paul. In any case, this show was really amazing; superb CGI, an ensemble cast (especially featuring Anthony Hopkins). And you see the characters evolve through the series. Take Dolores, in Season 1 and 2 she started to be the new Daenerys Targaryan; for her true goal was to "break the wheel" of society. Really good show. So I'm giving this 4 stars!